Hello! Welcome to The Personal Energy Centre
& The Global Qi Project.
Energy is the basis of Life. The better your energy, the better your life. The more energy, the more life. Energy underlies your health, and state of being. This has been understood for 2,000+ years in China where it is called Qigong or Chi Kung – described and presented here. So, to find out how to develop and increase your energy, health & life read on…
THE PERSONAL ENERGY CENTRE is the name of our location in Liverpool, England – presenting Qigong, Acupuncture and Tao Studies. 2024/2025 Programme begins in October. More information will be available shortly.
THE GLOBAL QI PROJECT was initiated in 2008, to make the book and programme on Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qigong available to whoever would find it of interest, and more information is provided beneath.
A NEW BOOK ‘The Adventures of an Acupuncturer – A Clinical Autobiography of Qigong Acupuncture’ is now available free, by simply clicking on the link in the brown box below.
Information on our services and programmes is available by clicking items in the red panel above on a PC, or the red three-line ‘menu’ icon at the top on a phone or handheld device, or the bottom left of each page. However, if, for whatever technical reasons, this list of options does not appear on your screen, you can type in the separate headings of: Welcome ; Treatment and Classes ; James MacRitchie ; Eight Extras Book ; Discovering Qi ; Links ; Blog ; or Contact, in the ‘search panel’ at the bottom of the front page, and other pages.
So please continue… and find out how Qigong is relevant to you, your life and the planet.
Best Wishes, Jim MacRitchie
Before reading on you can watch this short video, that introduces you to some of the features of this website, or come back to it later !
A Clinical Autobiography of Qigong Acupuncture
Click on the link below to download this free book.
Qigong-Acupuncture.pdf“This new book is available free by a simple click of the link above. It is a comprehensive overview and summary of 35 years in clinical practice. It gives a broad picture of the Energy System for people who want to find out more, and has autobiographical stories that may entertain. It will be of particular interest to Acupuncturists and Qigong practitioners. I hope you find it of some value. To read the strange story of its launch, read the Blog page on the menu”. Jim
QIGONG is new to the West. After over 2,000 years of closely guarded secrecy in China and the East, it is finally being discovered and known. There are hundreds of styles and forms.
QIGONG is known by other names – it is also called Chi Kung, Ji Kong, Ki Jong and other various spellings, but is pronounced ‘Chee Gung’. ‘Qi’ means Energy, Vitality, Life. ‘Gong’ means Working With, Developing or Cultivating. So, Qigong can be translated as…
…Working with Energy, Developing Vitality, or Cultivating Life.
QIGONG is based on the human energy system, now widely familiar through Acupuncture and Tai Chi. The understanding of this energy system is a major missing piece of Western Civilization. After all, the Global Energy Crisis is as much ‘internal’ as ‘external’ – if we each become more energy efficient human beings we’ll use less external energy, last longer and be better, to everyone’s benefit. The Chinese say Qigong gives ‘Health, Happiness and Long Life’ – who doesn’t want that !!!
Over the last 30 years I have tried to condense the essence of Qigong – the primary anatomy and physiology of the energy system, what it is and how it works – into one sequence that anybody can do. This is called Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qigong / 8 ExMs. A free book and audios are available below. My hope is you find these practices of benefit and value, and discover they increase the Energy, and Life, within you. Try them and see for yourself !
This website contains a FREE ‘ebook’, titled ‘The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qigong’.
The 8 ExMs are the foundation of all forms of Qigong, Chi Kung, Inner Alchemy, Medical Qigong and Chi Healing. You can simply download the book, at no charge or cost. It is free because the world needs information on Qigong right now.
Please click on THE WHOLE PROGRAM .
Or you can get the separate practices on this page.
For easy access, recorded audio versions of the 12 practices in the book are available FREE by direct download on this page
Also on this page is a download of The 5 Stages of Practice, which puts all the separate sections together into one continuous practice, and culminates in a 5 minute version using the Master and Coupled Points alone. Please be aware that this is a large file and takes extra time to download. This last practice is the final summary of this Eight Extraordinary Meridians Programme.
This website also provides information about my private practice in ‘Personal Energy Cultivation’ through Qigong and Classical Acupuncture. You can find out about Classes & Treatment on the following pages; by emailing via the Contact page above; or phoning UK 44 (0)7913208959.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST Your comments and feedback are welcome. You can send an email here, and if you let me have your email address I’ll keep you informed of occasional updates and future projects.
Practice Well. Good Chi.